Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let's get this show on the road!

As many of you know, this is my senior year in college. And one fun thing that senior drama majors at my school get to do is create something known as a "Senior Project". Now, I know that you are all on the edge of your seat wondering what this mysterious Senior Project is...so, I will hold you in suspense no longer and tell you.

Senior Project is, well (quite obviously), a project you do when you're a senior. Now, for us drama majors that could range from directing, performing, playwriting, scene and set design, costume, makeup, light and sound, etc. It really depends on where your interest lies (and quite frankly, what the school approves).

For my
Senior Project I have the privilege of working with three lovely ladies, some of my closest college friends (who are also graduating seniors). For ages, it seems, we have been looking for a play to do for our infamous Senior Project. Last fall we submitted a play, only for it to be rejected (a.k.a. not approved). For months we searched and searched for a play that would work with a three woman cast, and one that would uphold to our university's standards.

At last, we found one. And they said that it was good.

Approaching Lavendar
by Julie Beckett Crutcher

Directed by: Jade
Performed by:
Tiffany Z. (that's me!)

Wednesday, April 16th

To say that I am excited about this is an understatement. I'm pretty thrilled! We are all happy with the script...and I must admit, that I may like this play better than our first pick that was not approved. Actually, no maybes about it...I do like it better!

Tonight we had our "auditions" for it. Pretty much, we all got together and read the different parts, so that our lovely director can determine which parts to place us in. In my opinion, they're all great roles, and I'm excited to see which one I get to play (the list is being posted tomorrow).

So, dear readers, if you happen to be free on April 16th, know where my school is,
would like to see a good production, and care to witness my final performance on the university stage...then you should come see Approaching Lavendar. You won't be disappointed (at least I hope not...if you are, then I will personally refund your ticket).

Did I mention that admission is free?


Unknown said...

Man! I'm bummed. It's on a Wednesday so I can't come. But it's on my birthday so you picked a good day. :)

tiffany zajas said...

I know, it is stinky that it's on a Wednesday. We have to share the stage with so many different people and departments, we weren't able to get a weekend, or even two weeknights for performances. So...that means lots of people won't be able to make it. Which is a bummer. But we don't have much choice in the matter. We just have to go with what we're given.

But it will be fun to perform, nonetheless.

Unknown said...

I'm excited for you! Sounds like it'll be a lot of fun.