Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let's get this show on the road!

As many of you know, this is my senior year in college. And one fun thing that senior drama majors at my school get to do is create something known as a "Senior Project". Now, I know that you are all on the edge of your seat wondering what this mysterious Senior Project is...so, I will hold you in suspense no longer and tell you.

Senior Project is, well (quite obviously), a project you do when you're a senior. Now, for us drama majors that could range from directing, performing, playwriting, scene and set design, costume, makeup, light and sound, etc. It really depends on where your interest lies (and quite frankly, what the school approves).

For my
Senior Project I have the privilege of working with three lovely ladies, some of my closest college friends (who are also graduating seniors). For ages, it seems, we have been looking for a play to do for our infamous Senior Project. Last fall we submitted a play, only for it to be rejected (a.k.a. not approved). For months we searched and searched for a play that would work with a three woman cast, and one that would uphold to our university's standards.

At last, we found one. And they said that it was good.

Approaching Lavendar
by Julie Beckett Crutcher

Directed by: Jade
Performed by:
Tiffany Z. (that's me!)

Wednesday, April 16th

To say that I am excited about this is an understatement. I'm pretty thrilled! We are all happy with the script...and I must admit, that I may like this play better than our first pick that was not approved. Actually, no maybes about it...I do like it better!

Tonight we had our "auditions" for it. Pretty much, we all got together and read the different parts, so that our lovely director can determine which parts to place us in. In my opinion, they're all great roles, and I'm excited to see which one I get to play (the list is being posted tomorrow).

So, dear readers, if you happen to be free on April 16th, know where my school is,
would like to see a good production, and care to witness my final performance on the university stage...then you should come see Approaching Lavendar. You won't be disappointed (at least I hope not...if you are, then I will personally refund your ticket).

Did I mention that admission is free?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No need to stress...

Once again, it has been a while since I last updated, and I apologize. Things have been pretty busy with school starting back up, and everything that comes along with it, I haven't even had time to think about the possibility of blogging.

With everything getting back into the swing of things, and with all the preparations I need to make for graduating in May...there is always the temptation to stress about things. But stress is never fun. Who enjoys stress? I sure don't! So I'm going to try my best to keep the stress to a minimum.

I know we all deal with stress...whether it be at work, school, or at home. Everyone has things that they worry about.

So, if you're struggling with stress, here's a list of things that may help (I heard a segment of this list being read on the radio one day, so here it is, courtesy of J93.3):

1. Have fun to reduce stress.
Do things for the sheer fun of it. Each day, plan to something "just for you." Even if you only have 30 minutes of fun time, don't let anything stop you from your 30 minutes.

2. Laugh to reduce stress.
Interact with people who make you laugh to reduce tension and boost the immune system.

3. Learn to say "no" to reduce stress.
Too much fun can become boring. When requests and invitations become a burden instead of being enjoyable, it is time to say "no."

4. Simplify your life to reduce stress.
Move closer to your work, hire a maid, or shop by internet.

5. Delegate responsibility to reduce stress.
Sharing duties allows time together and gets the job done faster.

6. Learn to relax to reduce stress.
Periodically visualize calming scenes; stretch and take deep breaths.

7. To reduce stress, don't be a workaholic.
Find a healthy balance between work and play.

8. Break tasks into segments to reduce stress.
Break down tasks into easy-to-handle segments and problems. It is easier to eat an elephant one bite at a time.

9. Keep your job skills current to reduce stress.
If you have current job skills, changes and lay-offs at work are not so stressful. You can take the attitude of an acquaintance of mine who takes work with a "Oh, well, I was looking for a job when I got this one. And I might be looking again." He knows his job skills are in demand.

10. Take care of your family and friends to reduce stress.
Having relationships in your life is less stressful.

11. Examine work habits to reduce stress.
If you are constantly stressed at work, examine your work habits. Maybe you are wasting time.

12. Drink water.
Consume 8-10 glasses of pure water daily.

13. Eat sensibly to reduce stress.
You are what you eat. I personally feel much better since I have eliminated red meat, whole milk, and most sugar from my diet. Maybe a similar diet change would help you, too.

14. Get quality sleep to reduce stress.
Sleep is an essential recovery mechanism. Sleep on your back or sides, not on your stomach.

15. Stop using drugs to reduce stress.
Stop smoking and avoid recreational drugs and alcohol. Remember that food is a drug, also.

16. Schedule time to reduce stress.
Allow enough time to reach the place or goal you wish without rushing.

17. Exercise regularly to reduce stress.
Take a vigorous walk, jog, or swim for an average of 20 minutes daily or 45 minutes three times a week.

18. Control your attitude to reduce stress.
About the only part of your life you can control completely is your attitude.

19. Be prepared to reduce stress.
Don't stick your head in the sand. Being prepared stops stress in advance.

20. Think positive to reduce stress.
If something is stressful, make a list of every positive aspect of your situation. This doesn't mean you should go through life as a Pollyanna, however. Then you will rarely, if ever, be prepared--see number 19!

21. Improve yourself to reduce stress.
Broaden your knowledge through reading, seminars, and self- improvement courses.

22. Live within your means to reduce stress.
Constantly overspending is definitely stressful.

23. Save money to reduce stress.
Having an emergency "nest egg" makes you less stressed.

24. Consider a career change to reduce stress.
Burnout can be very stressful. If that has happened to you, consider changing careers.

25. Handle stress now to reduce stress.
Putting off stressful events only makes them more stressful. Settle matters that are troubling you "as they occur." Procrastination usually leads to increased stress for me. And I feel so good when I don't procrastinate.

Bonus: Choose quality friends to reduce stress.
It is important to have friends you can trust and be yourself with. Ask friends for help instead of being too self-reliant.